Threefold Cord Webinars

In the first stage of the Threefold Cord Project, Emor offered one webinar that delved deeper into each of the three cords. These also led to a white paper, “The Divine People?” In the second stage, we joined up with the newly formed Smol Emuni, Israel’s Faithful Left, to learn about how these questions are playing out in Israel among progressive Jewish thought-leaders.

How to Stop the Religious Right from Defining Judaism 

Come learn some of Smol Emuni's Torah with two leaders of the movement and hear about how religious values inspire their activism.

The Social Values Underlying Smol Emuni

In the US, we often think about human rights in a “liberal” framework that focuses on individual rights and a separation of church and state. As Smol Eumni has taken shape, it finds itself more animated by collective concerns like equality and the needs of the poor, speaking in religious language perhaps analogous to the Poor People’s Campaign here at ...

Meet Smol Emuni, Israel’s “Faithful Left”

Smol Emuni is a diverse group of religious Israeli Jews who are bringing their faith to the public discourse in an effort to counteract the right’s uninhibited use of religion.

How white Christian influence is (re)shaping Israel

Emor is delighted to invite Yali Hashash as the final speaker of our threefold cord series about Israel and democracy.

What Do We Mean By A Jewish State?

Amit Gvaryahu, Ph.D, will investigate this question in part two of Emor’s three-part series on the Threefold Cord: Democracy, Nationalism, and Human Rights in a Jewish State.
Graphic with name of webinar

Zionism Before and After the Nation-State

Professor Julie Cooper, Senior Lecturer in the Political Science Department at Tel Aviv University, will explore how a historical lens can widen our perspective on Zionism today.