Jacob’s Freedom: Wrestling with Climate Change

Joelle Novey directs Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA), through which congregations of many traditions are responding to climate change together, and speaks widely about the role of religious voices in the climate movement.


Anna Wrobel (she/her), daughter of postwar refugees, is an American historian, teacher, poet and Holocaust Studies educator whose poems and essays appear in journals including Lilith and Jewish Currents.

Freedom of Movement in the Desert

Ethan Aronson (he/him) is the Campaign Director of Never Again Action, a Jewish-led mobilization against the persecution, detention, and deportation of immigrants in the United States.

The Social Values Underlying Smol Emuni

In the US, we often think about human rights in a “liberal” framework that focuses on individual rights and a separation of church and state. As Smol Eumni has taken shape, it finds itself more animated by collective concerns like equality and the needs of the poor, speaking in religious language perhaps analogous to the […]