Israel: Democracy, Race, Ethnicity, and More (#2)

Our commitment to the state of Israel and its people flows from our shared destiny with half the world’s Jews who make Israel their home, our recognition that it is unequivocally also home for the Palestinians, and our belief that a shared future that protects everyone’s human rights is possible. While that future feels heartbreakingly distant during this current, devastating war, we continue to choose hope over despair. 

What’s new in this issue:

  • A roundtable discussion about democracy after the October 7 attack with MK Aida Touma-Sliman, Prof. Liora R. Halperin, and Prof. Yali Hashash
  • Stories from Israel’s Ethiopian and Indian Jewish communities
  • A case for how the WZO hurts democracy in Israel
  • A closing poem-prayer by Kohenet Keshira haLev Fife
  • A surprise you’ll only be able to experience with the printed edition


Plus the articles, poetry, and short story we released online as “Fragments of Fragments,” including writing by Rabbi David Jaffe, Rabbi Avigayil Halpern, Dr. Analucía Lopezrevoredo, and Prof. Shaul Magid.

In This Issue...

You Wear Your Black, Like I Wear My Skin

DIANE (DAVIDA) BELLAMY’s poem “You Wear Your Black, Like I Wear My Skin” expresses her point of view of the shooting incident in Jersey City, NJ in 2019. She tried to make sense of it by asking herself, WHY? Could the shooter not SEE they were both wearing “Black”?

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LUIS ROBERTO BURGOS (he/him) is a Black, Queer, Jewish, Neurodiverse Earthling based on Lenape land, colonially known as New York City.

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Reading Esther in This Time of War

DAVID ARNOW is the author of “Creating Lively Passover Seders” and co-editor of “My People’s Passover Haggadah.” His most recent book is “Choosing Hope: The Heritage of Judaism.”

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Read Fragments

Fragments is a seasonal multimedia publication that lifts conversations about the intersection of human rights, politics, and Judaism. ​