Torah is All About Freedom

Rabbi Michael Strassfeld (he/him) is the editor of the best selling Jewish Catalog, author of The Jewish Holidays, and co-author with Rabbi Joy Levitt of A Night of Questions: A Passover Haggadah.
The Halakhah of Oppressive Speech

Laynie Soloman (they/them) serves as the Associate Rosh Yeshiva at SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva, where they co-founded the Trans Halakha Project.
Fragments: Freedom

Fragments: Freedom is available for download!
Freedom and Antisemitism

Talia Lavin (she/her) is a journalist and author of the book Culture Warlords: My Journey into the Dark Web of White Supremacy.
Order “Fragments”

Our first issue of Emor’s seasonal publication, Fragments, is out now.
Freedom Call for Submissions

Emor seeks submissions from thinkers, artists, activists, and the curious for Freedom, a new magazine that will be published in spring 2023.
Reclaiming “Freedom”

Wed, Oct 19, 3pm ET: What’s the line between liberty and liberation? It’s time for a deeper look at what we mean by “freedom” and why that language should be ours again.
Welcome to Emor

A letter from our Director Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson: “We’re excited you’re here to join the conversation about the big Jewish ideas that can help reshape our world…”