The following is an excerpt from Fragments, the new magazine from Emor.
by Rabbi Becky Jaye and Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson
Holy One in whose image we are all made,
may You guide us on from these pages
towards peace
and lead us back in peace.
May the words and images of these pages
become etched on the fragments of the heart
we left behind with them.
May the quick startle of unknowing what was so deeply known
awaken our spirit to the promise of creation.
When our hearts sink, may we still feel the possibility of change.
When our hearts race, may we know we are not alone.
When our hearts leap, may we share our joy.
When our hearts break, may they break open.
May we return to you, Freedom,
and may you return to us.
You remain on our minds, Freedom,
and we remain on yours.
We will not forget you, Freedom,
and you will not forget us.

Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson (he/him) has been with T’ruah leading educational programs and resource creation since his 2013 ordination from Hebrew College, where he was a Wexner Graduate Fellow. In 2017, the Covenant Foundation awarded Lev a Pomegranate Prize, which honors exceptional early-career Jewish educators. Lev graduated from M2’s Senior Educators Cohort in 2022. He holds an AB in Geology from Brown University. Lev, his wife Eliana, and their three kids live in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Kensington, where Lev also serves part-time as the rabbi of the Flatbush and Shaare Torah Jewish Center.

Rabbi Becky Jaye (she/her) is a 2022 ordinee of Hebrew Union College in New York and holds a BA in American Studies and an MA in Religion, both from Yale University. Becky was a T’ruah Rabbinic Fellow in 2021. She serves as a key thought-partner for Emor’s leadership and a day-to-day leader of its programs.