Emor was delighted to invite Yali Hashash as the final speaker of our threefold cord series about Israel and democracy. Join us for a discussion about the presence of evangelical Christianity in Israel and its impact on Judaism. Take part in a conversation about how the spread of Christian hegemony has influenced the building blocks of Israeli democracy.
Dr. Yali Hashash is a Mizrahi queer feminist scholar and activist. Her research interests include social history of the 19th and 20th century Palestine and the Middle East, poverty, gender, nationalism, ethnicity and reproduction. She is the founder and head of Gender and Criminology program in Or Yehuda College, and member of the Haifa Feminist Center Isha L’isha. Her book, “Whose Daughter Are You – Ways of Speaking Mizrahi Feminism” was published in 2022.
Watch the recording below.