Welcome to the Emor Bookshelf

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Welcome to the Emor Bookshelf! At Emor, we believe words create worlds. We seek to empower communities to take special care with the words we choose to speak ourselves, and those we wish to lift and honor.

Each month, we ask a member of the Jewish community (see our definition of “Jewish community” in our glossary!) to contribute one book to our communal bookshelf and describe why their contribution is most salient for them when answering the question: “What is one book that you think is contributing importantly to public discourse in this moment?”

As we embark on truthful, challenging and fruitful discussions about democracy, equality, Judaism, and Israel, we optimistically foresee the creation of this bookshelf as a way to lift voices, expand perspective, and learn with and from each other over time. What will we think of these books three years from now? How will their relevance in these important discussions change over time? 

Help us curate our bookshelf. What are the words that we will choose to create worlds in which we feel proud to live? Why do they matter to you? How can we lift them to a wider audience?

This month, we are thrilled to have rabbi and scholar Hilly Haber contribute the book she feels is most salient during this time. We look forward to curating this bookshelf with you, and cannot wait to dive into this month’s suggested read!

Yours in hope and resilience,
